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Friday, October 17, 2014

New Hampshire licensing process - part 4 - employment verification form

You will also need to document how many hours you worked for what type of accounting work.

You will need these information;
  • Dates of employment
  • Working style: full time or part time
  • Signing CPA's information: which country s/he has the CPA license
  • # of hours you worked that you want to be verified

Your experience counts if your work falls in one of the following categories.
  • Audit, Review, Financial Statement or any Report Function
  • Manageemnt Advisory Services
  • Financial Advisory Services
  • Consulting Services
  • Preparation of Tax Returns
  • Furnishing Advice on Tax Returns
  • Furnishing Advice on Tax Matters

Thursday, October 16, 2014

New Hampshire licensing process - part 3 - experience verification letter

Another document necessary for licensing application is "experience verification letter."

This letter is easy to prepare. 

You just need to find a boss who directly supervised your work, print the form on your firm's letterhead, and get his/her signature. 

In New Hampshire, your signing supervisor must be a certified CPA (in the US or other countries listed in the form such as Australia) who were active during the period that you want to be verified. In other words, your supervisor's license should not be expired during the period you want to be verified. 

In my case, I could find many supervisors who simply passed four sections of CPA exams or those whose license got expired, but only one person was active during the two years that I needed to be verified. 

If you want to get licensed in New Hampshire, you must find out who was active and when that was. If you cannot find an appropriate person, you may want to consider transferring a state to get licensed.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Hampshire licensing process - part 2 - character references

In the licensing process, you will need three character references.

In my application, I asked my colleagues to write one (actually I drafted descriptions and they just simply signed). You can also ask your friends, neighbors, religious leaders, etc. However for this character reference, you cannot ask your supervisors to sign one. Save them for experience verification form.

I didn't really know what to write for this "character" reference. So, I googled similar samples and replaced XX parts for me. Here is the example;

It brings me great pleasure to recommend XX.

I have been known her for about XX years since she joined the company that we work together. She has been my colleague since 20XX.

XX is organized, efficient, extremely competent, and has an excellent rapport with people of all ages. Her communication skill is especially excellent.

I enthusiastically recommend her as a certified public accountant in the state of New Hampshire. I hope this information proves helpful.
Yours Sincerely.

Another example;

It is with great pleasure that I find myself writing this letter of reference for XX.
She has been my colleague since 20XX, and has been an outstanding employee for our firm for almost XX years as a consultant.

She continuously engaged in various international projects for global companies. She has extensive knowledge bases and a global mind-set.

In addition, she demonstrates the sincerity, honesty and integrity to pursue certification in public accounting. It is satisfying to be able to give her my highest recommendation. 
I hope this information proves helpful.


Hopefully this helps for those who are going to apply for licensing.

You can find relevant forms here: New Hampshire NASBA licensing

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Hampshire licensing process - part 1 document checklist

In the New Hampshire state, you can apply to get licensed in NASBA website.

NASBA license - New Hampshire

After passing all the four sections of CPA exam, you need to have the following documents to get licensed. These documents can be uploaded to NASBA licensing application by PDF format. It is very convenient that you don't have to mail paper-based documents.  

• Clear copy of driver’s license and/or passport

• 3 Character References

• Experience Verification Letter/Governmental Experience Verification Form

• Experience Reporting Form/Governmental Experience Reporting Form

• Clear copy of supervisor/verifier’s driver’s license and/or passport

• Copy of supervisor/verifier’s licensing information. (Online Verification printouts/screenshots are acceptable with issuance and expiration date noted)

• Transcripts/Foreign Evaluations (For applicants who passed the CPA exam for a state other than New Hampshire)

• Authorization for Interstate Exchange (For applicants who passed the CPA exam for a state other than New Hampshire)