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Thursday, October 16, 2014

New Hampshire licensing process - part 3 - experience verification letter

Another document necessary for licensing application is "experience verification letter."

This letter is easy to prepare. 

You just need to find a boss who directly supervised your work, print the form on your firm's letterhead, and get his/her signature. 

In New Hampshire, your signing supervisor must be a certified CPA (in the US or other countries listed in the form such as Australia) who were active during the period that you want to be verified. In other words, your supervisor's license should not be expired during the period you want to be verified. 

In my case, I could find many supervisors who simply passed four sections of CPA exams or those whose license got expired, but only one person was active during the two years that I needed to be verified. 

If you want to get licensed in New Hampshire, you must find out who was active and when that was. If you cannot find an appropriate person, you may want to consider transferring a state to get licensed.

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