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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Hampshire licensing process - part 1 document checklist

In the New Hampshire state, you can apply to get licensed in NASBA website.

NASBA license - New Hampshire

After passing all the four sections of CPA exam, you need to have the following documents to get licensed. These documents can be uploaded to NASBA licensing application by PDF format. It is very convenient that you don't have to mail paper-based documents.  

• Clear copy of driver’s license and/or passport

• 3 Character References

• Experience Verification Letter/Governmental Experience Verification Form

• Experience Reporting Form/Governmental Experience Reporting Form

• Clear copy of supervisor/verifier’s driver’s license and/or passport

• Copy of supervisor/verifier’s licensing information. (Online Verification printouts/screenshots are acceptable with issuance and expiration date noted)

• Transcripts/Foreign Evaluations (For applicants who passed the CPA exam for a state other than New Hampshire)

• Authorization for Interstate Exchange (For applicants who passed the CPA exam for a state other than New Hampshire)

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